Friday, February 17, 2006

Toxic Vessel is going back

Now Clemecaeau is going back to France. An hailed decision by the Apex court of France. This is a very cruicial win for environmentalists but seeing from the point of view from the labours of the Alang ship breaking yard it's a evil boon. Evil because it will loose the income and boon because it will save the workers from the deadly exposure of the asbestos.

The business at Alang is already sinking and the experienced work force is decreasing due to the lack of work. Once Alang used to give employment to thousands of workers; the number which is now reduced to few. Now the important question arises that was the desicion of Supreme court to hold the ship outside the Indian waters at the cost of crores of rupees business justified? Yeah it was justified. Because even after the much deliberation the exact quantity of the asbestos or any other toxic material was not clear. Different agencies were giving different data. Moreover by the toxic waste not only would Alang be affected but also the near by areas beacuse specially asbestos can be transported by wind etc. So in this scenario when the data was ambigous, it was the obvious decision. Now suppose given the exact data, should ship be called back? A benchmark should be decided for the amount of the toxic material. If that amount is not that harmful then ship can be brought back. Because any old ship will obviously have the toxic waste and the workers should be trained to dispose the waste skillfully. Business can't be returned just like that. Some risks has to be taken.


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